Founder Secretary

Dr. Ramji Lal Shastri Shastri (Also known as Pandit Ramji Lal Shastri) was born on 18 april 1940 in village Deedwana, Teh – Lalsot, Dist Dausa, Rajasthan. His father Late Sh. Prabhulal Sharma was basically a peasant. Dr.Shastri was very intelligent in his studies and after passing Upadhyaya from Shri Sanatan Dharm College, he went for further studies and done Shastri(Shri Chamadiya Sanskrit College, Fatehpur), Acharya (Maharaja Sanskrit College, Jaipur) M.A. (Rishikul Sanskrit College, Haridwar). But this was not enough for him. He was awarded Sahityacharya, Puran-Etihasacharya, M.A. from Jwalapur University. His Keen interest in studies did never take any break and for his Valuable Participations in the field of education and flourishing Sanskrit language and sanskriti, He was awarded a hounerary D. Lit. from Jwalapur University.
Instead of Studies Dr. Ramji Lal Shastri was also interested in different extracurricular activities. He was a very good poet and was famous in the field of poetry as ‘Kant’ (Dr. Ramji Lal Shastri ‘Kant’). He was very good Volleyball Player and took participation in many district and state level tournaments of the game. Devi Saraswati was always with him and thus he was a famous Veena Vadak of his time. The contribution of Dr. Ramji Lal Shastri in the field of Education, Sanskrit and Expansion of Sanskrit was as under:
- He was a member of Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthanam.
- Many Institutions were founded by Dr. Ramji Lal Shastri e.g.
- Ratri Sanskrit Pathshala (A Night School of Sanskrit), 1960, at Gordhan Nath ji Temple,Choura Rasta, Jaipur.
- He was a member of Lal Bahadur Shastri Sanskrit Sansthan, New Delhi.
- Rajasthan Sanskrit Sansad Shiksha Samiti. 1973.
- Rajasthan Sanskrit College (A PG College of Sanskrit). 1967-68.
- Rajasthan Shiksha Mahavidyalaya. (At presents 120 Seats for Shiksha Shastri and100 Seats for B.Ed.)
- He organized 17 State level ‘Sanskrit Shikshan Sammelans’, ‘Vaidik Exibitions’, ‘Shardiya Gyan Mahotsavas’, ‘Pourohitya Prashikshan Shiviras’ (Camp for training pourohitya), ‘Ved Sanrakshan Yojna’ (Schemes for Conservation of Vedas).
- Many ‘Rashtriya Sanskrit Sangoshthi’ (National seminar on Sanskrit) was organized by him.
- He was the organisor of ‘Akhil Bharatiya Sanskrit Shiksha Sammelanas’ (All India Conference of Sanskrit Education) three times. Honourable Vice Presidents Sh. B.D. Jatti and Sh. R.Venkatraman visited and inaugurate these conferences in the college Premises.
- Many international and national intellectuals participated in these conferences and seminars and several decisions were taken after many brain storming sessions.
- Dr. Shastri was writer and editor of Sampurnand Smriti Grantham (A Biography of Sh. Sampurnanand Shastri, former Honbl. Governor of Rajasthan).
- Dr. Ramjilal Shastri was also apointed on the hounarable post of Dean, Department of Sanskrit,University of Rajasthan, for three years.
- Dr. Shastri was awarded by Dr. R. Venkatraman (former Honbl. Vice President) for his Contribution in the field of Sanskrit.
- He was the Governor Nominee of the syndicate of the University of Rajasthan.
- He was the Governor Nominee of the syndicate of Mohan Lal Sukhadiya University.
- He was member of senate of University of Rajasthan.
- He was a member of Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education.
- He was also a member and Treasurer of Rajasthan Sanskrit Academy.
- Dr. Ramji Lal Shastri given his valuable services as Director of Rajasthan Shiksha Mahavidyala as well as the Principal of Rajasthan Sanskrit College.Dr. Ramji Lal Shastri was one of the very honorable personalities in the field of Education as well as in the field of expansion of Sanskrit and Sanskriti and many intellectuals of his time came in the Conferences and Seminars organized by him. Some of those were Dr. Sampurnanad Shastri, Sh. Basant Rao Patil, Sh. O.P. Mehra, Dr. M. Chenna Reddy, Dr. Raghukul Tilak and all the Chief Ministers, Members of Parliament, Minister of Sanskrit Education, Rajasthan State, Dr. (Smt.) Kamla and Members of State Legislative Assembly. It was a Shock for the society of education when he was killed by some un-social elements and thus this bright Star went towards its dawn.
Smt. Madhu Shastri, wife of Late Dr. Ramji Lal Shastri is now on the path set by Dr. Shastri and running Rajasthan Shiksha Mahavidyalaya Successfully.