Employment and Recruitment

Employment or Recruitment has become a popular method for selecting personal for an institution/organization. In Campus Recruitment, various Educational Institutions visit our college and hire students whom they find suitable for their respective job requirements, at source itself. Thus, instead of the jobseekers approaching employers, the employers come to the most prospective candidate with a job offer. The entire Recruitment procedure is coordinated through placement Officer who interacts with schools and other educational institutes and helps in streamlining the entire Campus Recruitment procedure.

The main objective of our college Employment and Recruitment is to get students placed in reputed educational institutes and NGOs. All students registered with our Employment and Recruitment are entitled to placement assistance, counseling for employment and even self- employment. The Employment and Recruitment assures support to the visiting institutes at every stage of recruitment process by making college infrastructure available to them.

The college Employment and Recruitment Cell acts as an interface between the Employer and the students and primarily enables the students to select career of their choice from among available options. It facilitates the selection process of all the institutes as per their requirement. The college Employment and Recruitment Cell liaisons with other NGOs and Educational Institutes to provide suitable jobs for the candidates completing their studies from the college. It also liaisons for all those activities and issues assigned to it by the Principal.


Our Objectives are:

  • Identification of student’s potential and mapping their competencies.
  • Cataloguing the database of students (their specialization, interest and academic performance).
  • Carrying out career counseling for students.

Our college Employment and Recruitment Cell also proposes to conduct seminars, workshops, training sessions and all such other necessary activities which it feels necessary for up-liftmen and up-gradation of our students to enable them to become successful professionals.

the Composition of Employment and Recruitment Cell is as under-

CoordinatorDr. Satyendra Kumar SainiAsst. Professor
MemberShri Yogesh SharmaAsst. Professor