B.Ed. Course

The B.Ed. Course was started in 2003. This course is affiliated with UNIVERSITY OF RAJASTHAN and approved by NCTE vide its order No. F.NRC/NCTE/F-3/RJ-239/2003/2143 dated 3rd July, 2003 with an annual intake of 100 pupil-teachers and revised order no. F.NRC/NCTE/F-7/RJ-239/2015/106567-72 dated 28th May, 2015 with an annual intake of two basic units (50 pupil-teachers each). The College is recognized by the Government of Rajasthan, Department of Higher Education by its order no. F. 31(1) Edu-4/2015, dated 23rd July, 2015. It is affiliated to the University of Rajasthan by its order No. Acad.II/2015/2382, dated 13th August, 2015.



1. To help future prospective teacher to develop competence to teach subjects of their specialization, on the basis of an adequate theory of learning and a sound knowledge of the subject.

2. To develop interest. Attitude and knowledge which will enable them-

  • To foster the all-round growth and development of children under their care and
  • To provide guidance to individual pupil.

3. To develop an understanding of aims and objectives of education in the Indian background and to promote an awareness of the role of the school and the teacher in realizing their aims and ideals.

4. To develop an understanding of the close relationship between society and school. Between life and school work.

5. To build up a professional consciousness.

6. To ensure following learning outcomes-

  • Competence to teach effectively two school subjects in the Elementary and Secondary levels.
  • Ability to translate objectives of secondary education in terms of specific programs and activities in relation to the curriculum.
  • Ability to understand children’s need. Motives, growth patterns and the process of learning to stimulate learning and creative thinking to further growth and developments.
  • Ability to use-
    • Individual interaction.
    • Dynamic methods in large classes.
  • Ability to examine pupil’s progress and effectiveness of their own teaching through the use of proper evaluation techniques.
  • Ability to use equipment to diagnose pupil progress and effectiveness of their own teaching through proper evaluation techniques.
  • Readiness to spot talented and gifted children and capacity to meet their needs.
  • Ability to organize various school programs, activities for pupil.
  • Developing guidance point of view in educational, personal and vocational matters.
  • Ability to access at all round development of pupils and maintain a cumulative record.
  • Developing certain practical skill such as-
    • Black Board Work.
    • Preparing improvised apparatus.
    • Preparing teaching aids and ICT.
  • Interest and competence in the development of the teaching profession and education.
  • Readiness to participate in activities of professional organizations.

7. To develop the ability and self-confidence of pupil teachers-

  • To be conscious of sense of values and need for their inculcation in children through all available means including one’s own personal life.
  • Possess a high sense of professional responsibility.
  • Develop resourcefulness, so as to make the best use of the situation available.
  • Appreciate and respect each child’s individuality and treat him as independent and integrated personality.
  • Arouse the curiosity and interest of the pupils and secure their active participation in the educative process.
  • Develop in the pupil’s capacity for thinking and working independently and guide the pupil to that end.
  • Organize and manage the class for teaching learning.
  • Appreciate the dynamic nature of the class situation and teaching techniques.
  • Define objectives of particular lessons and plan for their achievements.
  • Organize the prescribed subject-matter in relation to the needs, interest and abilities of the pupils.
  • Use the appropriate teaching methods and techniques.
  • Prepare and use appropriate teaching aids, use of black board and other apparatus and material properly.
  • Convey ideas in clear and concise language and in a logical manner for effective learning.
  • Undertake action research.
  • Give proper opportunity to gifted pupils and take proper care of the backward pupils.
  • Co-relate knowledge of the subject being taught with other subjects and with real life situations as and when possible.
  • Prepare and use assignments.
  • Evaluate Pupil’s progress.
  • Plan and organize co-curricular activities and participate in them.
  • Co-operate with school teachers and administrators and learn to maintain school; records and registers.

8. To develop practical skills to teach the school subjects under theory papers.

9. To develop practical skills under following manners-

  • Observation of lesson delivered by experiences teachers and staff of the college.
  • Planning units and lessons.
  • Discussion of lessons plans, unit plans and lessons given including criticism lessons.
  • Organization and participation in co-curricular activities.
  • Settings follow up assignments.
  • Evaluation in terms of educational objectives use of teachers made tests and administration of standardized tests.
  • Black-board work.
  • Practical work connected with school subjects.
  • Preparation and use of audio-visual aids related to methods of teaching.
  • Experimental and laboratory work in science, home science, geography and other subjects of experimental and practical nature,
  • Study of the organization of work and activities in the school.
  • Observation and assistance in the health education programs.
  • Observation and assistance in guidance programs.
  • Maintenance of cumulative records.
  • Teaching of teaching in large classes.
    FEE: As per the norms of Government of Rajasthan.